Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the given words Liza is the only child in the family. Her mum and dad absolutely adore her. But she is very naughty. Her parents have many problems with her since she was born. They never / try to control her. And she never / obey them. Liza's parents make a list of bad things their daughter does every day and discuss it with the psychologist. Here are the things she do today. She didn't help her mum in the morning. Her mum asked her to pour some tea and set the table. Also, Liza not/ make harhod oftarhrnnlfoot Horfnthorhrushind

Hеll Hеll    2   07.02.2022 10:15    97

RomanBelyy01 RomanBelyy01  07.02.2022 10:20
Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы правильной формой приведенных слов Лиза - единственный ребенок в семье. Ее мама и папа просто обожают ее. Но она очень непослушная. У ее родителей много проблем с ней с тех пор, как она родилась. Они никогда / не пытаются контролировать ее. И она никогда / не подчинялась им. Родители Лизы составляют список плохих поступков, которые их дочь делает каждый день, и обсуждают это с психологом. Вот что она делает сегодня. Она не своей маме утром. Ее мама попросила ее налить немного чая и накрыть на стол. Кроме того, Лиза не должна/ совершать хождение по стопам Хорфнторхрушинда
КираГринРоуз КираГринРоуз  27.01.2024 16:44
I would be happy to help you with this exercise as a school teacher.

To properly fill in the gaps with the correct form of the given words, let's carefully analyze the text given.

First, we need to look for the verbs missing in the correct tense form. Here are the verbs mentioned in the text: try, control, obey, help, pour, set, make.

Let's go through each gap step by step:

1. They never ___ to control her.
In this sentence, the verb "try" is missing in the correct tense form. Since the subject is "they" and the verb is negated by "never", we need to use the base form of the verb "try". So the correct answer is "try".

2. And she never ___ them.
Here, the verb "obey" is missing in the correct tense form. Again, since the subject is "she" and the verb is negated, we need to use the base form of the verb "obey". So the correct answer is "obeys".

3. Liza's parents make a list of bad things their daughter ___ every day and discuss it with the psychologist.
In this sentence, we need to find the correct form of the verb "do" to match the subject "daughter". The subject is singular, so we use the base form of the verb "do". So the correct answer is "does".

4. She didn't help her mum in the morning. Her mum asked her to ___ some tea and ___ the table.
In this sentence, we need to find the correct tenses and forms of the verbs "make" and "set". Since the sentence is in the past tense, we need to use the past tense forms of the verbs.
The correct answers are "make" and "set".

Now, let's look at the last part of the text:

5. Also, Liza not/ ___ ___ briefly mentioned as "harhod oftarhrnnlfoot Horfnthorhrushind".
Unfortunately, this part seems to be a typing error or a mistake, as it does not make sense and the words are jumbled.

In conclusion, based on the given text, the completed passage should be:

"Liza is the only child in the family. Her mum and dad absolutely adore her. But she is very naughty. Her parents have many problems with her since she was born. They never try to control her. And she never obeys them. Liza's parents make a list of bad things their daughter does every day and discuss it with the psychologist. Here are the things she does today. She didn't help her mum in the morning. Her mum asked her to pour some tea and set the table. Also, Liza not/ ___ ___."

Please note that the last part requires further clarification or correction.
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