Read the text and complete the notes. the nasa scientist, dr harrison gray, will give a talk about the planned mission to mars on thursday 14th at 6pm. the talk will take place in the hobson room of the great library. they are only 50 seats,so please arrive early to get a place. dr gray will give you an information booklet, but please bring your own books and pens if you want to take notes during the talk. speaker subject date time place what to bring

DimaKot2 DimaKot2    2   14.09.2019 02:00    2

djekichan123 djekichan123  07.10.2020 13:07
Speaker : Dr Harrison Gray
Subject : The planned mission to Mars
Date : Thursday 14th
Time : 6pm
Place : the Hobson Room of the Great Library
What to bring : your own books and pens
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