Read the text and complete the gaps with the following words. protect wings saddles survive role attention skill d) D Horses are like (1) wings for Kyrgyz people. They regard their horses as their own family members. Horses are used as means of transportation, food and displays of wealth. People treat them with great care by giving them special (2) feeding them and providing them from with water. The best craftsmen make (3) the best materials. Sometimes they cost more than their horses. in In the old days, horses played the main (4) Kyrgyz life. Kyrgyz people had to be strong to (5) the long themselves from their enemies and to (6) winters. They gained strength, patience and strategy through playing sports games on horseback such as at chabysh (long-distance races), kok boru or ulak tartysh (kid grabbing), tyiyn engmey (picking up a coin off the ground), kyz kuumai (chasing after the bride), kyz zharysh (girls and young women's races), jumby atmai (shooting at the target while galloping), etc. So, sports games on horseback helped them to be strong and to master the (7) of horse riding.

Read the text and complete the gaps with the following words. protect wings saddles survive role att

NastyaAngell NastyaAngell    1   22.02.2022 03:27    2

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