Read the text and complete it. hello! im chip you know i.( a .( name is bit.he is a nice boy.he wants to be a.( ( want to be? a computer engineer.i think its great. whats the ( like today? let me have a look.oh its warm and sunny.bit and l can go for a ( we`ve ( cousins and they`ve got a dog.we can go for a walk with our (.we usually have a good time and a lot of fun. bye! say what you know about chip and his brother.

морган3 морган3    1   18.06.2019 03:50    1

Sanek27rus Sanek27rus  14.07.2020 21:56
Hello! I'm Chip. You know, I have a brother. My brother's name is Bit. He's a nice boy. He wants to be a football player. What do I want to be? - A computer engineer. I think it's great. Whats the weather like today? Let me have a look. Oh, it's warm and sunny. Bit and l can go for a walk. We've got two cousins and they've got a dog. We can go for a walk with our cousins'  dog. We usually have a good time and a lot of fun. Bye!

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