Read the text and choose the right option. americans celebrate tranksgiving( fourth thuersday(. children (3) go to school and bisinesses close for four days. it is a special day for families, and people travel great distances just to be with( for this occasion. today the traditional tranksgiving meal is similar to the first one they had nearly 400 years( people eat roast turkey(6) cranberry saunce, potatous and pumpkin pie. many organisations also prepare a free meal( people in their towns or cities. in new york, there are also parades and more( millon people go to see it every year. 1) a) at b) on c)in 2) a) of b) in c) on 3) a) didn't b) aren't c) don't 4) a) them b) they c) their 5) a) ago b) later c) past 6) a) without b) for c)with 7) a) with b) for c) without 8) a)over b) then c) than

coldsssiemens coldsssiemens    2   02.10.2019 00:40    14

филосов00 филосов00  09.10.2020 10:41

1 on

2 of

3 do not

4 their

5 ago

6 with

7 for

8 then

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