Read the text and choose the correct gesture. -
My friend travels a lot. At the airport he
always smiles and says "Bye!".
Mom: First do your homework. Then you
can play outside. Do you understand?
Girl: Yes, mom.
Do you like watching films?
Shhh! Don't talk in the library.
Oh! It is raining. Let's go by taxi.
- Ok.​

Read the text and choose the correct gesture. -My friend travels a lot. At the airport healways smil

tikatS66 tikatS66    1   21.12.2020 12:29    10

3ka9ty1a99 3ka9ty1a99  20.01.2021 12:30

1. He waves his hand.

2. She nods her hand.

3. He touches his lips with his


4. She makes letter O with her


объяснение : проверено мною =].

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