Read the text. Air pollution is a very serious problem. Industrial enterprises emit tons of harmful substances. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction- with nature a sign of the ecological crises. Rains, full of acid chemicals, change lakes, rivers, as well as forests. Acid water kills the plants and animals that usually live in water. Acid rain makes the Earth more acidic and some kinds of trees can’t live in the sol that is very acidic. Forests are disappearing and this upsets the oxygen balance. Water pollution occurs mostly, when people overload the water environment such as streams, lakes, underground water, bays or seas with wastes or substances harmful to living being.Nuclear weapon is also course of the pollution. It brings a great damage to the agriculture, forests and people's health. Read the text and find the correct answer. "True" or "False". Environmental problem isn't the most burning problem of today * True


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Ivan1128 Ivan1128    2   15.03.2021 11:38    8

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