Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What were the first seven years of Mitsos' life like?

2 What happened in 19927

3 What is ARCTUROS?

4 How has the helped Mitsos?

5 What kind of animals are protected at the sanctuary?

6 you help the animals at the ARCTUROS sanctuary?

Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What were the first seven years of Mitsos' life like

Ангелина293922 Ангелина293922    1   23.12.2020 08:27    3

Misaki59 Misaki59  22.01.2021 08:28

1. first seven years of his life, Mitsos was dancing bear, he was treated horribly and often starved.

2. in 1992 he was rescued from his abusive owners and sent to sanctuary in Nymphao.

3. it is sanctuary

4. the staff at sanctuary did many operations to fix his dental problem, and they trying to restore his health.

5. only 12bears I think.

6. yeah, I'd like to help them.

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