Read the sentences carefully.then complete each sentence with can or have to. 1.i'd like to go out tonight, but we have a test tomorrow.i ) 2.audrey meat) us for lunnch today.she ) her boss write a report. 3.good news! i (not work) late tonight. we running) together at 6: 00. sister go shopping) at the mall today.she (go) to the doctor. умоляю ! ! заранее огромное !

Confident23 Confident23    2   19.08.2019 11:50    2

latyshevavera2 latyshevavera2  14.08.2020 16:54
1) have to
2) can't meet; has to help
3) don't have to work; can go running
4) can't go shopping; has to go
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