Read the sentences and complete the words. write the missing words only. 1 have you got a d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y? i don’t understand this word. 2 he doesn’t like reading books. he prefers c_ _ _ _s about superheroes. 3 my schoolbag is really heavy. i need a lot of t_ _ _ _ _ _ _s for my classes. 4 i bought a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for suzy. she loves baking. 5 he always reads the n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because he likes to know what is happening in the world.

Aizere20060304 Aizere20060304    3   09.09.2019 05:50    3

nadiakrasavtze nadiakrasavtze  07.10.2020 02:27
1 Have you got a dictionary? I don’t understand this word.
2 He doesn’t like reading books. He prefers cartoons about superheroes.
3 My schoolbag is really heavy. I need a lot of textbooks for my classes.
4 I bought a cooker for Suzy. She loves baking.
5 He always reads the news because he likes to know what is happening in the world.
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