Read the second extract again Answer the questions. 1 What is Harriet's character?
2 What happens when Emma and Harriet are
3 How does Emma begin to matchmake Harriet
and Mr Elton?
4 What does Mr Elton begin to do?

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3ТОН 3ТОН  25.02.2021 13:59

4 Read the second extract again. Answer the questions.

1 What is Harriet's character?Harriet was not very clever, but she was friendly, kind, and had beautiful blue eyes.

2 What happens when Emma and Harriet are walking?One day while the young women were out walking, they met Mr Martin. Emma saw at once that Harriet liked him a lot, and she was very unhappy about it.

3 How does Emma begin to matchmake Harriet and Mr Elton?She spoke to Harriet about Mr Elton and to Mr Elton about Harriet, and planned lots of ways for them to meet

4 What does Mr Elton begin to do?Mr Elton started to visit Hartfield often, and Emma was sure that her plan was working well.

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