Read the instructions for making a tasty Italian Tomato Sauce Rewrite the recipe to describe the process. Use the Passive
2. Put fresh tomatoes into boiling water and leave them there for
4. Fry a little onion in hot olive oil over a low heat for 5 to
Voice and linking words.
1. Make the sauce with fresh, not tinned tomatoes.
about a minute.
3. Peel and cut them.
7 minutes.
5. Add a little garlic and cook for another 2 minutes.
6. Add the tomatoes. Then, put a little sugar, vinegar and salt
into the mixture.
7. On a low heat, cook the mixture for 45 minutes.
8. Add a little basil.
9. Finally, pour the sauce into jars and put it in the fridge or
10. Before serving, add a little extra-virgin olive oil.
11. Serve delicious Italian dishes with the sauce.
Begin like this: 1. The sauce is made with fresh, not tinned
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Isa22222 Isa22222    3   21.12.2020 20:18    8

leka121314 leka121314  21.12.2023 21:19
1. The sauce is made with fresh, not tinned tomatoes.

2. Fresh tomatoes are put into boiling water and left there for about a minute.

3. Then, they are peeled and cut.

4. A little onion is fried in hot olive oil over a low heat for 5 to 7 minutes.

5. A little garlic is added and cooked for another 2 minutes.

6. Next, the tomatoes are added to the mixture. Then, a little sugar, vinegar, and salt are put into it.

7. The mixture is cooked on a low heat for 45 minutes.

8. A little basil is added.

9. Finally, the sauce is poured into jars and put in the fridge or freezer.

10. Before serving, a little extra-virgin olive oil is added.

11. Delicious Italian dishes are served with the sauce.

In this recipe, the passive voice is used to focus on the actions and processes involved in making the tomato sauce rather than the person performing the actions. This style of writing allows for a clear and concise description of the steps involved in making the sauce. The use of linking words helps to connect the different steps and make the instructions flow smoothly. By following these steps, you will be able to make a tasty Italian tomato sauce using fresh tomatoes.
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