Read the dialogue. Match the phrases with the same meaning.
Mary: You look great in that polo-neck, Rita. It matches the colour of
your eyes.
Rita: Thank you, Mary.
Mary: It really suits you. Is it new?
Rita: Yes, it is. It's a birthday present from
my aunt. She also got me
these jeans.
Mary: Wow! They fit you perfectly! Your aunt has got great taste in
Rita: That's nice of you, Mary. You look good, too. Your dress really
suits you
Mary: Really? Thanks!
Количество соединений: 4
That polo-neck
looks good on you.
It really suits you.
You look great in
that polo-neck.
They are the right
size for you,
They fit you
It really looks nice
on you.
Your aunt has got
great taste in
Your aunt knows
what clothes to buy.

Миша1112994 Миша1112994    2   18.05.2021 09:56    4

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