Read the answers. then complete the questions.1. where you your shoes? i bought them in the department store.2. what time your mother home? she came home at 8 o'clock.3. who you to school with? i walked with my friends.4. where your parents before? they lived in paris.5. what your teacher at university? she studied maths.

aksnastena aksnastena    3   29.09.2019 18:50    1

nikitarin0 nikitarin0  09.10.2020 03:30

1) Where did you buy your shoes? (Где ты купил(а) свою обувь?) - I bought them in the department store. (Я купила их в универмаге).

2) What time did your mother come home? (В какое время твоя мама пришла домой?) - She came home at 8 o'clock. (Она пришла домой в 8 часов).

3) Who did you walk to school with? (С кем ты шел в школу?) - I walked with my friends. (Я шел со своими друзьями).

4) Where did your parents live before? (Где твои родители раньше жили?) - They lived in Paris. (Они жили в Париже).

5) What did your teacher study at university? (Что твой учитель преподавал в университете?) - She studied Maths. (Она преподавала математику).

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