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Exercise at school
Do you like PE?
Tell us what excrcise
You do at school.
What do/don't you like
about it
Ba nou kli's asortant
ta do Pe at school?

DanielKanafiev DanielKanafiev    2   19.07.2021 09:34    0

Hi1666888888 Hi1666888888  18.08.2021 10:31

    I love PE at school! Its one of my favorite subjects that we have. We do many exercises at school but the most common ones are stretching, jump roping on the spot, running a couple of times around the perimeter of the gym and we also do pushups.

   One thing though, that i dont like about PE is that we dont have a water fountain near the gym so that when we get really thirsty after a game or exercise, we cant drink and get hydrated.


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