Read the advert and write a letter of application for the job. Do you have some free time in the summer holidays and want to earn some money?
We are looking for three young people to be guides on tour busses of the town. You will need to be interested in history and able to speak another language.
Send d letter of application with your CV to Norris Tours, 3 Church Lane, Southford, SU64 7FD

Read the advert and write a letter of application for the job. Do you have some free time in the sum

aydin51 aydin51    3   18.10.2021 18:33    3

zhikinemil26 zhikinemil26  18.10.2021 18:40

hello. I would like to earn extra money during the summer holidays and work as a guide on tour buses around the city. me...(your age). I study English and Kazakh. That's why I can talk to people of different nations. I'm interested in history...(your city).


здравствуйте. я бы хотела подзаработать на летних каникулах и поработать гидом на экскурсионных автобусах по городу. мне...(твой возраст). я изучаю английский и казахский языки. поэтому могу разговаривать с людьми разных наций. интересуюсь историей...(свой город).

только я не поняла как написать , тип отправить резюме по адресу...

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