Read My morning online. How similar is Leona's
morning to yours? Match the words in blue with
definitions 1-10.
1 a sequence of pictures you send and receive every day
2 celebrities you add on Snapchat
3 a private / direct message that can be sent to an individual
4 to move text and pictures up and down a screen
5 the process of voting for something
6 to close an app
7 a searchable and shareable archive of snaps that you can
8 a usually funny image, video or piece of text that is copied
and spread rapidly by internet users
9 a photo that you take of yourself
10 to be identified by someone in a post that you share​

гений248 гений248    2   27.04.2020 14:39    13

Любимая0105 Любимая0105  13.10.2020 22:58

1 streak


3 DM

4 scroll

5 poll

6 log out

7 memories

8 memes

9 selfie

10 tagged


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