Read and complete. Antonio Stradivari was born in 1644. He 1) lived (live) in Cremona, Italy.
Stradivari 2) ... (study) with Nicolò Amati, a famous violin maker.
Stradivari 3)... (create) the best violin in the world and they 4)... (name) it the Stradivarius after him.
Antonio Stradivari 5) ... (die) on 18 December 1737. In his lifetime, he 6) ... (design) over 1,000 violins, but there are only 650 of them today. Many of the top violin players in the world play the Stradivarius.​

suleimanzhasulan suleimanzhasulan    2   25.04.2021 12:01    0

Evangelinaa8 Evangelinaa8  25.04.2021 12:10

2) studied

3) created

4) named

5) died

6) designed

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