Read and circle Hussam, Ruba and their mum and dad usually (a) are staying stay
at home at the weekend but today they (b) are visiting/ visit Uncle AU
and Aunt Deema.
Hussam and Ruba's
mum (c) isn't cooking/
doesn't cook today. She
(d) is talking/ talks to Aunt
Deema in the kitchen.
Hussam's father (e) is
tiking / likes watching
television but he (1) isn't
watching / doesn't watch
TV today. He (g) is drinking/ drinks coffee with his brother. They
(h) are talking/ talk about the weather. Hussam and Ruba () aren't
doing / don't do their homework ot the moment. Ruba () is listening!
listens to music. Hussam (k) is reading / reads a story.

MaryVasili MaryVasili    2   15.12.2020 22:42    4

CatTv2006 CatTv2006  14.01.2021 22:43


2.Are visiting

3. doesn't cook

4. is talking

5. likes watching

6. doesn't watch

7. is drinking

8. are talking

9. aren't doing

10. is listening

11. is reading

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