Read a part of the letter and fill in the gaps with the words from the box: Hi, Emily!

I’m writing to tell you about my new friend, Martin. He is my roommate, so we 1. a lot of time together. Martin 2. ___ from Britain. We have a lot 3. - swimming, music, games. Martin is as 4. in photography as I am. He showed me his photos of the city – they are amazing! Martin is a very intelligent and 5. person. He sometimes helps me with my essays. You know, I’m not very 6. at writing, I like 7. . I also love 8. chess, I play better than Martin but he 9. very fast. My friend is very ambitious, too. He 10. a very prestigious University and wants to get a Master 11. in Biotechnologies. I wish him a lot of 12. in his studies.
. in common D. is G. entered J. interested

B. learns E. good H. playing K. Maths

C. degree F. success I. spend L. hard-working

rope22 rope22    2   24.05.2021 08:35    2

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