react experience • beat We 1) our emotions in the brain. The physical effect of these emotions belps us 2) to situations. For eample, fear makes our heart 3) us ready to fight or run away faster, and gets identify • strong enjoy The brain allows us to 4). kots of ways. When we sten to a piece of music, we can 5) musici the diferent instruments, and the mutic we hear ohen has an 6) fect on our emnotions • converts • learn written The brain alows us to create, undestand and 7) languages. This process is a tot moe complicated than we think. t 8). spoken or 9) symbols into meaning which is passed on to other people. •invent tell • imagine The brain allows us to 10). that ae not reat We can 11). things stories, paint pictures, sculpt statues and write music. This ability is the reason why we new things can 12) OVER TO You! (10 1634 Which of these capabilities do you consider the most important? Give reasons. Which of these capabilities would you like to improve in yourself? Why?​

react experience • beat We 1) our emotions in the brain. The physical effect of these emotions belps

MuertoLegend MuertoLegend    2   27.11.2020 08:40    41

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