разгадать кроссворд на английском 1. (9 букв) Objects which are very valuable. (первая буква t)
2. (7 букв) Joe did not really seem to have the ___ to say much. (первая буква a, третья буква i)
3. (7 букв) Adding one's signature to. (третья буква g)
4. (5 букв) Joe and his girlfriend were ___ to go home after sitting in the park. (хз)
5. (9 букв) Joe was just ___ to what his girlfriend said, and then answering, "Yes". (первая буква вроде l)
Буду очень очень благодарна если хоть немножечко

tor142003 tor142003    2   30.08.2021 02:17    0

jeniakovaleva56 jeniakovaleva56  30.08.2021 06:00

1. Treasures

2. Ability

3. Signing

4. Going

5. Listening

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