Раставьте слова: 1) post office, how,get to, i, the nearest, can? 2) the shortest way, what, to the bus station, is? 3) near her, is, a hospital, there? 4) to know, the nearest, is, church, i want, where. 5) asks, she, how, to the swimming pool, the girl, can get.

ника1234551 ника1234551    1   20.06.2019 17:10    0

eeeeroock eeeeroock  16.07.2020 15:19
1) How can i get to the nearest post office?
2) What is the shortest way to the bus station?
3) Is there a hospital near her(?)?
4)I want to know, Where is the nearest curch?
5)  the girl asks:how she can get to the swimming pool
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