Расставьте слова в предложениях по порядку 1 got / my /problems / i /with / have / home-task / some 2 well / think / your / very / i / dont / sister / drivers 3 to / parents /once / the theatre / month / my / a / go 4 his / car / two / ago / jim / sold / years 5 necklace / cant / anywhere / cindy / her / find 6 been / to / india / mike / has / year / already / this

MisteryHack0 MisteryHack0    2   24.06.2019 16:20    1

1FreeMad1 1FreeMad1  20.07.2020 06:43
1/ I have got some problems with my home-task
2/ I don't think your sister drivers very well 
QAZPLM11 QAZPLM11  20.07.2020 06:43
1 I have got some problems with my home-task
2 I dont think you sister drives very well
3 My parents go to the theatre once a month
4 Jim sold his car two years ago
5 Cinde cant find her necklace anywhere
6 Mike has already been to India this year
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