Расставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение в Present Perfect Simple 1) have them we phoned several already times .
2) yet teacher hasn't rule this our explained .
3)? already her got passport Jane has
4) they have never been Austria to .
5) yet I our have teacher not new seen .
6) tried have food Chinese parents never my .
7) ? sushi ever have cooked you
8) has work finished his yet ? John
9) read hasn't Annie yet this book .
10) have I Mrs Smith the in hall just met .
11) their they yet finished painting have house ?
12) already that I said come have I can't .

maksimprikhodko maksimprikhodko    3   23.03.2021 11:09    2

valeriauzbekova valeriauzbekova  22.04.2021 11:12
1 - We have phoned them several times already
2 - Our teacher hasn’t explained this rule yet
3 - Jane has already got her passport
4 - They have never been to Austria
5 - I have not seen our new teacher yet
6 - My parents have never tried chinese food
7 - Have you ever cooked sushi?
8 - Has John finishes his work yet?
9 - Annie hasn’t read this book yet
10 - I have just met Mrs Smith in the hall
11 - Have they finishes painting their house yet?
12 - I have already said that I can’t come
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