Расставить артикли в языке 1. have you seen … film i told you about? 2. bell invented … telephone. 3. she brought … dozen of eggs. 4. give me … apple which is … nearest to you. 5. there is … girl here. she is … girl i have known for a year. 6. he wanted to buy … detective story. 7. they bought … new telephone. 8. … elephant is … very big animal. 9. he liked to read … adventure story. 10. he failed his exam. this was … worst for him. 11. … lion is a big animal. 12. i saw … tragedy last month. 13. it is … hard walk. 14. this is … man i told you about. 15. … money he got for the book made him rich. 16. what … fine weather! 17. they say … love is blind. 18. this is … large area. 19. … weather is foggy today. 20. it is such … tasty cake.

rufina1995 rufina1995    3   21.09.2019 05:10    3

маргарита00000000 маргарита00000000  01.09.2020 19:56

1. Have you seen …the film I told you about?


2. Bell invented …the telephone.


3. She brought …a dozen of eggs.


4. Give me …the apple which is …the nearest to you.


5. There is …a girl here. She is …the girl I have known for a year.


6. He wanted to buy …a detective story.


7. They bought …a new telephone.


8. …An elephant is …a very big animal.


9. He liked to read …an adventure story.


10. He failed his exam. This was …the worst for him.


11. …A lion is a big animal.


12. I saw …a tragedy last month.


13.  it is --- hard work.

It is …a hard walk.


14. This is …the man I told you about.


15. …The money he got for the book made him rich.


16. What …--- fine weather!


17. They say …--- love is blind.


18. This is …a large area.


19. …The weather is foggy today.


20. It is such …a tasty cake.


nikkovalev199 nikkovalev199  01.09.2020 19:56
. Bell invented … telephone.

3. She brought the dozen of eggs.

4. Give me the apple which is … nearest to you.

5. There is … girl here. She is … girl I have known for a year.

6. He wanted to buy … detective story.

7. They bought … new telephone.

8. … elephant is … very big animal.

9. He liked to read … adventure story.

10. He failed his exam. This was … worst for him.

11. … lion is a big animal.

12. I saw … tragedy last month.

13. It is … hard walk.

14. This is … man I told you about.

15. … money he got for the book made him rich.

16. What … fine weather!

17. They say … love is blind.

18. This is … large area.

19. … weather is foggy today.

20. It is such … tasty cake.
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