Расставить Артикли ... modern zoos are very different from ... zoos that were built fifty years ago. At that time, ... zoos were places where ... people could go to see ... animals from many parts of ... world. ... animals lived in ... cages that were made of ... concrete with ... iron bars, ... cages that were easy to keep clean. Unfortunately for ... animals, ... cages were small and impossible to hide in. ... zoo environment was anything but natural. Although ... zookeepers took good care of ... animals and fed them well, many of ... animals did not thrive; they often became ill, and they behaved in ... strange ways. In ... modern zoo, ... people can see ... animals in more natural habitats. ... animals are given ... more freedom in ... larger areas so that they can live more as they would in ... nature. Even ... appearance of ... zoos has changed. ... trees and grass grow in ... cages, and ... streams of ... water flow through ... areas that ... animals live in. There are ... few bars; instead, often only ... deep ditch, which is called ... moat, surrounds ... area where several species of ... animals live together as they would naturally. For example, in ... San Diego Zoo, ... visitor can walk through ... huge cage which is filled with ... trees and many birds. ... cage, called ... aviary, is large enough so that ... birds can fly around, make ... nests in ... trees, and hunt for ... food. At ... Zoological Park in ... New York City, because of ... special lights, ... people can observe ... nocturnal animals that ... most people have never seen; these animals are active only at ... night when ... most zoos are closed. In ...zoo like ...Arizona—Sonora Desert Museum, ... people can see ... animals that live in ... special environments like ... desert. At ... other zoos ... visitors watch... animals that live under ... water or ... animals that live in ... cold polar surroundings. ... modern zoo not only displays ... animals for ... visitors, but it also preserves and saves ... endangered species. ... Endangered animals such as ... American bald eagle and ... bison are now living and producing offsprings in ... zoos. For this reason, fifty years from now ... grandchildren of today's visitors will still be able to enjoy watching these animals. 2. Глаголы в правильное время

Расставить Артикли ... modern zoos are very different from ... zoos that were built fifty years ago

SuperCatYT SuperCatYT    3   25.06.2020 18:12    4

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