Рассказать про любой известный магазин, 10 предложений(на

kimttaehyung kimttaehyung    2   01.07.2019 22:50    3

Tema20181234 Tema20181234  26.07.2020 09:02
Hi! Near my house I have a shop. It is a MEGA. There are many small shops. For example: Adidas, ECCO, H&M, Lacoste and more. I like MEGA. I go here every day. And every day I buy one thihg here. I have a collection of this things. Bye.
natasha8750p092ef natasha8750p092ef  26.07.2020 09:02
Hello! It is about my favourite shop. It named "Marwin". I love the stuff that is selling there. A lot of hilarious toys and games, books and Legos. I really adore that shop because it is funny and helpful in some ways. My mom likes it too. Because she finds a lot of nice books there every week.