Рассказать по образцу про россию i was born on july 4. 1776 and the declaration of independence is my birth certifi cate. i am many things, and many people. i am the united states i am 212 million living souls and the ghost of millions who have lived and died for me. i am washington, jefferson and patrick henry. i am lee. grant and abe lincoln. i remember the alamo and pearl harbor. when freedom called, i answered and stayed until it was over, over there i am the wheat fields of kansas and the granite hills of vermont. i am the fertile lands of the west, the golden gate and the grand canyon i am big. i sprawl from the atlantic to the pacific, 3 million square miles throb- bing with industry. i am nore than 5 million farms. i am forest, field, mountain and desert. i am quiet villagesand cities that never sleep you can look at me and see ben franklin walking down the streets of philadelphia with a bread loaf under his arm. you can see betsy ross with her needle. you can see the lights of christmas, and hear the strains of auld lang syne as the calendar turns. i am 169,000 schools and colleges, and 250,000 churches where my people worship god as they think best. i am an editorial in a newspaper and a letter to a congressman i am stephen foster. i am tom edison, albert einstein and the wright brothers i am longfellow, harriet beecher stowe, walt whitman and thomas paine. yes, i am a nation and these are the things that i am. i am the united states.

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