Рассказ о друге на ,не менее 8-ми предложений,6 класс

DebiloidTupoi DebiloidTupoi    2   30.06.2019 16:30    1

BalKA13 BalKA13  02.10.2020 16:31
Evan is my best friend. I love him with my heart, he will do anything for me, and so will I. Yesterday is an example. I bought a whole bunch of different stuff like popcorn, pepsi, nachos at the theatre. I ended up not having any money. But he was on my way, and he payed for me. Evan never expects me to pay him back though, because I pay for him anytime he is broke! When we get into a fight, we forgive each other the next day, because we are best friends.
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