Рассказ на "какую я б хотел зверюшку"

aleks102102 aleks102102    2   01.06.2019 17:50    0

Сл2064 Сл2064  02.07.2020 19:46
Я бы хотел завести ... СЛОНА
Ilana27 Ilana27  02.07.2020 19:46
Today I'd like to tell you about the pet I want to have. You may not believe me, but it's a hamster! Hamsters (хомяки) are so cute and fluffy! I like them a lot. If I have one, I'll take care of it. I'd call it '(любое имя придумываешь)'. I think, its fur would be gray or white. So, that's it about the pet I would like to have
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