рассказ «Хуже маленького ребёнка» и выполните задания 1-10, обведя букву A, B или C соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным. Вы услышите запись дважды.
Перед ознакомьтесь с новыми словами и заданием
a funfair – парк аттракционов
eager – желающий, стремящийся к чему-либо
a ride – аттракцион
a roller coaster – аттракцион «Американские горки»

Mr and Mrs Harris had .
a) two children b) one child c) four children
2. Мrs Harris decided to take her children to .
a funfair b) the Zoo c) the cafe
3. First Mr Harris didn’t want to go because he .
was busy b) was ill c) got tired
4. The family went to the park .
on foot b) by car c) by bus
5. The territory of the park was .
large and beautiful b) small c) ugly
6. Mr Harris
a) ate a lot of cakes b) didn’t eat anything c) ate a lot of sweets, fruits and ices
7. Mr Harris liked most of all.
the shooting competition b) the roller coaster c) food
8. Mrs Harris and the children looked at Mr Harris .
in surprise b) with love and care c) angrily
9. Mrs Harris was tired of .
a) her children b) following her husband from one ride to another c) eating
10. Mr Harris is worse than a small child, because he .
liked the roller coaster b) liked ice cream c) had his own money

Стас1326 Стас1326    2   21.04.2020 17:48    2

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