Распределение на 2 столбика good for keeping fit and bad for keeping fit smoking , eating fruit and vegetables , doing lessons late at night , having the latest meal not latter than 7 p.m. , doing some gymnastic in the morning , eating too many sweets, cakes and chips , sleeping not less than eight hours a day, eating hamburgers and hot dogs , jogging in the park , getting up at noon распределите на два столбика

30kotenok04 30kotenok04    2   04.10.2019 20:01    0

BrainSto BrainSto  09.10.2020 20:27

Good for keeping fit - Eating fruit and vegetables, Having the latest meal not latter than 7 p.m. Doing some gymnastic in the morning Sleeping not less than eight hours a day Jogging in the park

Bad for keeping fit Smoking Doing lessons late at night Eating too many sweets, cakes and chips Eating hamburgers and Hot dogs

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