Распорядок дня day time where what i did monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday this week i on monday i from to i

arina88561 arina88561    2   18.05.2019 15:20    1

denkarlay denkarlay  11.06.2020 21:38

On Monday I went to school, then I went home and did my homework.

On Tuesday I did shopping and relaxed.

On Wednesday I helped my mother in hoesework, then I read a book, after that I played computer 



On Thursday I walked with my dog and bought some food in the supermarket.

On Saturday my parents and me went to the cinema, then we ate at the cafe.

On Sunday I slept and wached TV.

This week I had a good rest. 

On Monday I will go to school.

From Monday to Friday I will study.
















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