Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в страдательном залоге в форме простого будущего времени. 1 some people think that the euro (to use) by all countries of west europe next decade. 2 many scientists think that in future conflicts between countries (to cause) by the scarcity of natural resources. 3 population believe that the well-being of the country (to achieve) by proper government policy. 4 the quality of goods produced by this plant (to change) and (to improve) by introduction of new technologies in a year. 5 scientists expect that some mineral resources (to exhaust) in 50 years’ time. 6 the policy of self-sufficiency (not/ to rely) on by small nations in the 21st century. 7 foreign trade (not/ to restrain) by governments in most countries of the world in future as it provides a lot of benefits for the countries’ prosperity. 8 in accordance with the consumer demand the production of some goods (to raise) but the production of other goods (to stop). 9 the well-being of people (to increase) as a result of introduction of new advanced technologies and materials. 10 if the company does not meet the demands of consumers, its goods (not/ to recognize) in the market.

rukisha1107 rukisha1107    3   08.09.2019 17:30    2

samininav1 samininav1  07.10.2020 01:21
1) will be used
2) will be caused 
3)will be achieved
4)will be changed and improved
5)will be exhausted
6)won't be relied
7)won't be restrained
8)will be raised, will be stopped
9)will be increased
10)won't be recognized
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