Раскрыть скобки, употребляя необходимую временную форму глагола 14. Nike (come) home (change) his clothes and (go) out again.
15. The children (walk) to school at 8:00 a.m. Yesterday.
16. Ann (go) to Bob's house at 5 in the afternoon.
17. I (do) my homework while my brother (play) a computer game.
18. He (cook) for over an hour.
19. The washer (work) fine now

nastikus555 nastikus555    2   09.11.2021 01:12    4

osadtsamax osadtsamax  09.11.2021 01:20
14. came, to change, went
15. walked
16. went
17. did, was playing
18. has cooked
19. is working
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