Раскрыть скобки и употребитьглагол в нужном времинию. 1. if you (to come),we(to see) a new film. 2.when i (to leave), i (to send) you a letter. 3.we(not to go) to the stadium if you (to be busy) on sunday. 4.when she (to buy) tickets, she (to tell) us about it. 5.i (to help) him if he (to ask) me.

winnikrolikov winnikrolikov    2   04.06.2019 21:00    3

alexclark169 alexclark169  01.10.2020 19:24
If you come,we will see a new film.
When I leave,I will send you a letter.
We won't go to the stadium,if you are busy on Sunday.
When she buy tickets,she will tell us about it.
I will help him if he ask me.
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