Раскройте скобки употребляются в past simple или past continuous 12. i (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass). 13. she (to look) out of the window when i (to see) her. 14. we (to answer) the teacher's questions when the headmistress (to enter) the classroom. 15. they (to drink) tea when i (to come) home. 16. he (to walk) along the river when a boat to go) out. 11. he (to read) on the sofa when i (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him.

Licik16 Licik16    1   23.09.2019 16:30    0

Mmaal Mmaal  10.09.2020 15:24
Не уверенна, но: 
1. was walking, passed.
2. was looking, saw.
3. were answering, entered.
4. were drinking, came.
5. was walking, went.
6. was reading, came sat.
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