Раскройте скобки,употребляя правильную грамматическую конструкцию 1) would you like (jump) with a parachute? 2) don't you mind (take part) in this talent show? 3) he promised (meet) us at the station. 4) they can't afford (go out) tonight. 5) jack enjoyed (swim) when he was a child.

mikimaus4 mikimaus4    3   24.05.2019 06:20    0

toli4ka1337 toli4ka1337  20.06.2020 01:52
1 to jump
2 taking part
3 to meet
4 afford to go out
5 swimming
zharkovaaa1133 zharkovaaa1133  20.06.2020 01:52
1) Would you like to jump with a parachute?
2) Don't you mind taking part in this talent show?
3) He promised to meet us at the station.
4) They can't afford to go out tonight.
5) Jack enjoyed swimming when he was a child.
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