Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме
1 It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy … (go) for a walk?
2 I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind … (wait).
3 I wish that dog would stop … (bark). It’s driving me mad.
4 I’ve never been to Iceland but I would like … (go) there.
5 … (run) is good for your health.
6 Does she know how … (play) this game?
7 I’ve never been to a language camp but I would like … (go) one day.
8 Take a deep breath … (feel) better.
9 It’s not worth … (try) to spend your time on him.
10 I don’t mind … (help) you with the homework.
11 Mel hates … (answer) the phone.
12 After a while she got tired of … (hear) the same story.
13 She’s busy … (study) for her exam.
14 It’s impossible... (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.
15 I couldn’t help them ... (find) what they were looking for.
16 I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.
17 I hate... (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.
18 I looked forward ... (see) you again soon.
19 It’s difficult ... (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.
20 Is it worth ... (run) such an awful risk?
21 Would you mind ... (fetch) another chair?
22 He dislikes ... (spend) money on car repairs.
23 I remember ... (go) to Venice as a child.
24 Did you remember ... (send) your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.
25 He’ll never forget ... (see) the Grand Canyon for the first time.
26 Maya stopped ... (tie) her shoelace.
27 Will you stop ... (make) so much noise, boys?
28 It’s too late … (apply) for the job. They’ve already found a teacher.
29 I love … (play) board games with my family.
30 He went to the gym without … (eat) any dinner.
31 It was very unusual for our teacher … (shout) like that.
32 There’s no point in … (do) this.
33 Stop … (worry) about your troubles.
34 Jack was proud of … (get) the first prize for…. (jump).
35 Helen was so angry that she left without … (say) a word.

mixa152rus mixa152rus    2   22.05.2020 18:30    2

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