Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present simple, past simple, future simple, present perfect, present continuous, или past continuous: 1. alexander fleming (invent) penicillin in 1928. 2. i (watch) television from eight till ten o'clock yesterday. 3. peter already (see) that musical before he (read) the review about it. 4. i usually (not have) breakfast before i (go) to work. 5. jane (recover) yet? - no, she is still in hospital. 6. the sun (shine) so brightly that maria (have) to put on her sunglasses. 7. you (work) late tomorrow night? 8. in britain most shops (close) at 5.30 p.m. 9. when i (go) into the room i could smell cigarette smoke. obviously somebody (smoke) in there. 10. we (cycle) along the road when we (see) a huge lorry. 11. you look tired. - yes, i (work) non-stop yesterday.

MarinaDonut648 MarinaDonut648    3   18.06.2019 04:10    2

darjaborisenko darjaborisenko  02.10.2020 04:15
2i was watching
3 had already seen / read
4 don't have /go
5 has Jane recovered 
6was shining/ had
7Will u work
8 close
9went/was smoking
10 were cycling / saw
11 worked
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