Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в present simple. my working day(to begin)at six o clock. i (to get) up,(to switch) on the tv and(to brush) my teeth.it(to take) me about twenty minutes.i(to have) breakfast at seven o clock.i(to leave)home at half past seven.i(to take) a bus to the institute.it usually(to take) me about fifteen minutes to get there.classes(to begin) at eight.we usually(to have)four classes a day.i(to have) lunch at about 2 o clock

1Nicol1 1Nicol1    1   24.06.2019 08:50    0

альона44в311234 альона44в311234  02.10.2020 10:09
Begins get up switch brush takes have leave take takes begin have have
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