Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present perfect tense. 1. she (to give) up her job. 2. the chinese (to invent) printing. 3. you ( to read) any of shakespeare's plays? 4. my grandparents (to get married) in london. 5. i (to lose)my key. i can't find it anywhere 6. he (to write) an essay this week. 7. i (not to clean) my room yet.

Nikita43242 Nikita43242    3   05.09.2019 17:50    0

annaerkina annaerkina  20.08.2020 22:11
1. She has given up her job.
2 The Chinese have invented printing.
3. Have you read any of Shakespeare's plays?
4. My grandparents have got married in London.
5. I have lost my key. I can't find it anywhere
6. He has  written an essay this week.
7. I  have not cleaned my room yet.
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