Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в present perfect, present simple, present continuous, past simple или past continuous. 1. with whom you ( to discuss) this question yesterday? 2. i ( to see) this film this week. i like it very much. 3. when i ( to enter) the kitchen, i (to see) that my mother ( to stand) at the table and ( to cut) some cabbage. she ( co cook) dinner. 4. as soon as i ( to hear) a cry, i ( to run) out of the room and ( to see) that a child ( to lie) on the ground and ( to cry). " what ( to happen)? why you ( to cry)? you ( to hurt) yourself? " 5. they ( to go) to the hermitage last week.

erik09hfilya erik09hfilya    3   03.06.2019 22:20    51

adamka5551p0cigl adamka5551p0cigl  01.10.2020 19:04
1.were discussing
3.entered;saw;stood;was cutting; was cooking 
4.heard;ran;saw;was lying;was crying; happened;are you crying; have you hurt
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