Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Continuous.
1. Right now I am in class. I (to stand) at my desk and (to speak) English to my students.
2. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock last night?
3. Denny is in the library. He (to sit) at the table. He (to write) a composition.
4. This time tomorrow he (to play) tennis with his brother.
5. Where was he when we (to look) for him everywhere? – He (to play) chess with his neighbour.
6. I still (to work) when you arrive.
7. Jack, why you (to sit) at the back of the class today?
8. What you (to do) in that house? – I (to look) for my old friend there.
9. At this time yesterday I (to lie) on the sofa and (to read) a novel.
10. What your family (to do) at this time tomorrow?

maschkincolyaoyf9ei maschkincolyaoyf9ei    2   28.05.2020 14:17    2

N1ki4 N1ki4  30.08.2020 11:17
1. I’m standing, speaking
2. What did you do
3. He is sitting, is writing
4. Will play
5. Looked, played
6. Am working
7. Sat
8. Are you doing, am looking
9. Lay, read
10. Will do
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