Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple
I (not to watch)
television yesterday.

He played tennis yesterday but he (not to win)
We went to the cinema but we (not to enjoy)
the film.

It (not to rain)
last Sunday.

She had a pen but she (not to have)
any paper.

I (not to sleep)
well last night.

We (not to invite)
them to our party.

I knew Ann was busy, so I (not to disturb)

They (not to have)
time to do the shopping.

You (not to believe)

gwo gwo    1   03.05.2020 16:39    3

nastyasiminyuk nastyasiminyuk  14.10.2020 06:18

I didn't watch television yesterday.

He played tennis yesterday but he didn't win

We went to the cinema but we didn't enjoy

the film.

It didn't rain last Sunday.

She had a pen but she didn't have any paper.

I didn't sleep well last night.

We didn't invite them to our party.

I knew Ann was busy, so I didn't disturb her.

They didn't have time to do the shopping.

You didn't believe me!

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