Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous. Переведите предложения. 1. Last night we (to go) to a cafe to meet our friends.

2. Nina (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three pairs (to dance).

3. Where your brother (to work)? — He (to work) at an institute.

4. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?

5. When I (to look) out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets.

6. What your brother (to do) yesterday?

7. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow.

8. I (to like) music very much.

9. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday?

10. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my uncle.

11. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well.

12. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes.

ilyailushin ilyailushin    2   10.11.2020 14:34    3

НикитаГоровой НикитаГоровой  10.12.2020 14:47

1. went

2. celebrated / were / came / was playing / were dancing

3. where does your brother work? works

4. was your grandma sleeping when you came home yesterday?

5. looked / was raining / were hurrying

6. what did your brother do yesterday?

7. didn’t go / will go

8. like

9. where kate was going where you met her yesterday?

10. came / saw / was sitting / was reading

11. are skating

12. what are you doing now? i’m washing dishes

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