Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме
1.If Jackson ……… (be) here I would talk to him.
2.Michael would not agree even if you ……… (ask) him.
3.If they ……… (mention) this, everything would be done.
4.If I meet him, I ……… (invite) him.
5.If they don’t walk so much, they ……… (not be) exhausted.
6.He will get out if the weather ……… (get) warmer.
7.If you stayed a bit longer, you ……… (meet) my parents.
8.If I ……… (be) taller, I would play in a basketball team.

Богдана348 Богдана348    2   07.04.2020 17:49    2

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