Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени. Вариант I.

Our classes usually (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.

I (spend) my last weekend well.

I think we (travel) to the seaside next summer.

The pupils (have) a break now.

We never (swim) in the ocean.

We (swim) in the lake last summer.

My friend (swim) in the Black Sea next month.

We often (go) swimming.

He usually (read) books at home.

The first lesson (begin) just.

Look at the boys! They (swim) on such a cold day.

Yesterday he (buy) a book at school.

Listen! Nick (read) a book.

I think tomorrow he (play) tennis

15. Mum (cook) fish now.

16 She (skate) in the park tomorrow.

zejbelanka zejbelanka    2   17.02.2021 22:06    42

advoumnaya advoumnaya  19.03.2021 22:20

ответ:1-begin 2- spent 3- Will travel 4 are having 5-swim 6-swam 7 is going to swim 8 go 9 reads 10 has begun 11 are swimming 12 brought 13 is reading 14 will play 15 is cooking 16 is going to skate


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