Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в настоящем длительном времени или в настоящем простом времени: 1.he(to spend) his summer in country. 2.he(not to spend) his summer in the country. 3.he(to spend) his summer in the country? 4.where he (to spend) his summer? 5.she (to help) mother now. 6.she (not to help) mother now.

kghhyyggr456 kghhyyggr456    2   31.07.2019 01:00    1

madhinamelinova madhinamelinova  03.10.2020 18:09
1)He to spends his summer in country.
2)He not to spends his summer in country.
4)Where he to spends his summer.
5)She to helps mother now.
6)She not to helps mother now.